The Rhythm Riot this year was tops for taste. Cool bands, cool DJs, cool people. I heard a few people belly aching about some of the music, but balls to them I had a great time.
Nikki Hill's version of 'Whole lotta Rosie' could well have been the highlight.
This year seemed to involve Fezs a little more than usual.
Fruity Fez.
The Golden Fez.
The I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter Fez.
The female fez.
The Fez of earthly delights.
The Play-the-feckin-note Fez.
The Fifty-shades-of-grey Fez.
The Full-gin-and-tonic Fez.
The floating Fez.
The fashionista Fez.
It all got quite tiring. Tip top.